S70-S79 Injuries to the hip and thigh

Injuries to the hip and thigh S70-S79

    Injuries to the hip and thigh S70-S79

    Type 2 Excludes

    • burns and corrosions (T20-T32)
    • frostbite (T33-T34 )
    • snake bite (T63.0-)
    • venomous insect bite or sting (T63.4-)


    S70  Superficial injury of hip and thigh

    S71  Open wound of hip and thigh

    S72  Fracture of femur

    S73  Dislocation and sprain of joint and ligaments of hip

    S74  Injury of nerves at hip and thigh level

    S75  Injury of blood vessels at hip and thigh level

    S76  Injury of muscle, fascia and tendon at hip and thigh level

    S77  Crushing injury of hip and thigh

    S78  Traumatic amputation of hip and thigh

    S79  Other and unspecified injuries of hip and thigh