Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen R10-R19
Symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen R10-R19
Type 2 Excludes
- congenital or infantile pylorospasm (Q40.0)
- gastrointestinal hemorrhage (K92.0-K92.2)
- intestinal obstruction (K56.-)
- newborn gastrointestinal hemorrhage (P54.0-P54.3)
- newborn intestinal obstruction (P76.-)
- pylorospasm (K31.3)
- signs and symptoms involving the urinary system (R30-R39 )
- symptoms referable to female genital organs (N94.-)
- symptoms referable to male genital organs (N48-N50)
R10 Abdominal and pelvic pain
R11 Nausea and vomiting
R12 Heartburn
R13 Aphagia and dysphagia
R14 Flatulence and related conditions
R15 Fecal incontinence
R16 Hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
R17 Unspecified jaundice
R18 Ascites
R19 Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen