P50-P61 Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn

Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn P50-P61

    Hemorrhagic and hematological disorders of newborn P50-P61

    Type 1 Excludes

    • congenital stenosis and stricture of bile ducts (Q44.3)
    • Crigler-Najjar syndrome (E80.5)
    • Dubin-Johnson syndrome (E80.6)
    • Gilbert syndrome (E80.4)
    • hereditary hemolytic anemias (D55-D58)


    P50  Newborn affected by intrauterine (fetal) blood loss

    P51  Umbilical hemorrhage of newborn

    P52  Intracranial nontraumatic hemorrhage of newborn

    P53  Hemorrhagic disease of newborn

    P54  Other neonatal hemorrhages

    P55  Hemolytic disease of newborn

    P56  Hydrops fetalis due to hemolytic disease

    P57  Kernicterus

    P58  Neonatal jaundice due to other excessive hemolysis

    P59  Neonatal jaundice from other and unspecified causes

    P60  Disseminated intravascular coagulation of newborn

    P61  Other perinatal hematological disorders