ICD 10 PCS Imaging May 4, 2024May 4, 2024 by icd10codes.inICD 10 PCS ImagingB0 Central Nervous SystemB2 HeartB3 Upper ArteriesB4 Lower ArteriesB5 VeinsB7 Lymphatic SystemB8 EyeB9 Ear, Nose, Mouth and ThroatBB Respiratory SystemBD Gastrointestinal SystemBF Hepatobiliary System and PancreasBG Endocrine SystemBH Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue and BreastBL Connective TissueBN Skull and Facial BonesBP Non-Axial Upper BonesBQ Non-Axial Lower BonesBR Axial Skeleton, Except Skull and Facial BonesBT Urinary SystemBU Female Reproductive SystemBV Male Reproductive SystemBW Anatomical RegionsBY Fetus and Obstetrical