H9 | Court-ordered |
HA | Child/adolescent program |
HB | Adult program, non geriatric |
HC | Adult program, geriatric |
HD | Pregnant/parenting women’s program |
HE | Mental health program |
HF | Substance abuse program |
HG | Opioid addiction treatment program |
HH | Integrated mental health/substance abuse program |
HI | Integrated mental health and intellectual disability/developmental disabilities program |
HJ | Employee assistance program |
HK | Specialized mental health programs for high-risk populations |
HL | Intern |
HM | Less than bachelor degree level |
HN | Bachelors degree level |
HO | Masters degree level |
HP | Doctoral level |
HQ | Group setting |
HR | Family/couple with client present |
HS | Family/couple without client present |
HT | Multi-disciplinary team |
HU | Funded by child welfare agency |
HV | Funded state addictions agency |
HW | Funded by state mental health agency |
HX | Funded by county/local agency |
HY | Funded by juvenile justice agency |
HZ | Funded by criminal justice agency |