African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
- B56.9 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
- The 2024 edition of ICD-10-CM B56.9 became effective on October 1, 2023.
- This is the American ICD-10-CM version of B56.9 – other international versions of ICD-10 B56.9 may differ.
Applicable To
- Sleeping sickness NOS
The following code(s) above B56.9 contain annotation back-references
that may be applicable to B56.9:
Approximate Synonyms
- African trypanosomiasis
- African trypanosomiasis infection
- Meningitis due to trypanosomiasis
- Trypanosomiasis with meningitis
Clinical Information
- A disease endemic among people and animals in central africa. It is caused by various species of trypanosomes, particularly t. Gambiense and t. Rhodesiense. Its second host is the tsetse fly. Involvement of the central nervous system produces “african sleeping sickness.” nagana is a rapidly fatal trypanosomiasis of horses and other animals.
- A parasitic disorder caused by protozoa of the trypanosoma brucei species. It is transmitted by flies and is endemic in various regions of sub-saharan africa. Signs and symptoms include fever, joint pain, headache, and significant swelling of the lymph nodes. If left untreated, the parasitic infection causes anemia, heart, kidney, and endocrine failure, and neurologic damage. Subsequently patients develop confusion, disruption of the sleep cycle, and mental deterioration. The infection may lead to coma and death.
ICD-10-CM B56.9 is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group(s) (MS-DRG v41.0):
- 867 Other infectious and parasitic diseases diagnoses with mcc
- 868 Other infectious and parasitic diseases diagnoses with cc
- 869 Other infectious and parasitic diseases diagnoses without cc/mcc
Convert B56.9 to ICD-9-CMCode History
- 2016 (effective 10/1/2015): New code (first year of non-draft ICD-10-CM)
- 2017 (effective 10/1/2016): No change
- 2018 (effective 10/1/2017): No change
- 2019 (effective 10/1/2018): No change
- 2020 (effective 10/1/2019): No change
- 2021 (effective 10/1/2020): No change
- 2022 (effective 10/1/2021): No change
- 2023 (effective 10/1/2022): No change
- 2024 (effective 10/1/2023): No change
Diagnosis Index entries containing back-references to B56.9:
- African
- trypanosomiasis B56.9
- sleeping sickness B56.9
- Dementia (degenerative (primary)) (old age) (persisting) (unspecified severity) (without behavioral disturbance, psychotic disturbance, mood disturbance, and anxiety) F03.90
- in (due to)
- trypanosomiasis
- African B56.9 – see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere
- with behavioral disturbance B56.9 – see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere
- African B56.9 – see also Dementia, in, diseases specified elsewhere
- trypanosomiasis
- in (due to)
- Encephalitis (chronic) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (nonepidemic) (spurious) (subacute) G04.90
- in (due to)
- African trypanosomiasis B56.9
- in (due to)
- Meningitis (basal) (basic) (brain) (cerebral) (cervical) (congestive) (diffuse) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (membranous) (metastatic) (nonspecific) (pontine) (progressive) (simple) (spinal) (subacute) (sympathetic) (toxic) G03.9
- in (due to)
- African trypanosomiasis B56.9
- in (due to)
- Sickness
- sleeping (African) B56.9
- by Trypanosoma B56.9
- sleeping (African) B56.9
- Trypanosomiasis