Cerebral cryptococcosis
- B45.1 is a billable/specific ICD-10-CM code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
- The 2024 edition of ICD-10-CM B45.1 became effective on October 1, 2023.
- This is the American ICD-10-CM version of B45.1 – other international versions of ICD-10 B45.1 may differ.
Applicable To
- Cryptococcal meningitis
- Cryptococcosis meningocerebralis
The following code(s) above B45.1 contain annotation back-references
that may be applicable to B45.1:
Approximate Synonyms
- Cryptococcal meningitis
Clinical Information
- Meningeal inflammation produced by cryptococcus neoformans, an encapsulated yeast that tends to infect individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and other immunocompromised states. The organism enters the body through the respiratory tract, but symptomatic infections are usually limited to the lungs and nervous system. The organism may also produce parenchymal brain lesions (torulomas). Clinically, the course is subacute and may feature headache; nausea; photophobia; focal neurologic deficits; seizures; cranial neuropathies; and hydrocephalus. (from Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp721-2)
ICD-10-CM B45.1 is grouped within Diagnostic Related Group(s) (MS-DRG v41.0):
- 023 Craniotomy with major device implant or acute complex cns principal diagnosis with mcc or chemotherapy implant or epilepsy with neurostimulator
- 024 Craniotomy with major device implant or acute complex cns principal diagnosis without mcc
- 097 Non-bacterial infection of nervous system except viral meningitis with mcc
- 098 Non-bacterial infection of nervous system except viral meningitis with cc
- 099 Non-bacterial infection of nervous system except viral meningitis without cc/mcc
- 791 Prematurity with major problems
- 793 Full term neonate with major problems
Convert B45.1 to ICD-9-CMCode History
- 2016 (effective 10/1/2015): New code (first year of non-draft ICD-10-CM)
- 2017 (effective 10/1/2016): No change
- 2018 (effective 10/1/2017): No change
- 2019 (effective 10/1/2018): No change
- 2020 (effective 10/1/2019): No change
- 2021 (effective 10/1/2020): No change
- 2022 (effective 10/1/2021): No change
- 2023 (effective 10/1/2022): No change
- 2024 (effective 10/1/2023): No change
Code annotations containing back-references to B45.1:
- Type 1 Excludes: G02
Diagnosis Index entries containing back-references to B45.1:
- Cryptococcosis, cryptococcus (infection) (neoformans) B45.9
- cerebral B45.1
- meningitis B45.1
- meningocerebralis B45.1
- Encephalitis (chronic) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (nonepidemic) (spurious) (subacute) G04.90
- Torula, torular B45.1 (cryptococcal)
- Meningitis (basal) (basic) (brain) (cerebral) (cervical) (congestive) (diffuse) (hemorrhagic) (infantile) (membranous) (metastatic) (nonspecific) (pontine) (progressive) (simple) (spinal) (subacute) (sympathetic) (toxic) G03.9
- cryptococcal B45.1
- Torula histolytica B45.1 (cryptococcal)
- Meningoencephalomyelitis – see also Meningoencephalitis
- due to
- Torula B45.1
- due to
- Meningomyelitis – see also Meningoencephalitis
- cryptococcal B45.1